How the Netherlands will get even more people cycling. Se webbinariet i efterhand

Nederländerna har sedan 1970-talet skapat världens bästa förutsättningar för cykling, vilket resulterat i Europas högsta cykelandel där mer än var fjärde resa sker på cykel. I webbinariet hör vi hur de arbetar för att öka cyklingen med ytterligare 20 procent under tio år, fram till 2027. Webbinariet arrangerades av Riksdagens cykelnätverk i samarbete med paraplyorganisationen Svensk Cykling.


0:00 Introducing the speakers and welcome notes


4:40 Henk Swarttouw, President, European Cyclists’ Federation
6:49 Lucas Harms, Managing Director, Dutch Cycling Embassy
13:23 Erik van den Eijnden, Deputy programme manager of Dutch Bicycling Policy, Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management

Comments and Q&A with members of parliament

21:16 Jens Holm (V): Effects of the pandemic on Dutch cycling?
26:11 Abraham Halef (S): How the Dutch cycling strategy differs from other countries?
30:27 Maria Stockhaus (M): Helmets + improving municipal infrastructure?
36:41 Patrik Jönsson (SD): Can you see whether investments increase cycling?
40:28 Anders Åkesson (C): Hardware, software & orgware?
43:30 Jakob Forssmed (KD): Most significant positive tipping point in NL?
48:00 Helena Gellerman (L): Increasing employee cycling + most important measure for safety?
53:03 Emma Berginger (MP): Gain national support for investments + design policy?
58:34 End of webinar

In-depth discussion

59:14 Most important measure for Swedish decision-makers?
1:02:17 E-bikes i SWE and NL
1:05:25 Safety, accidents and statistics
1:09:21 Can NL infrastructure improve further?
1:11:55 Potential for 20 % increased cycling in NL?
1:14:05 Bikes vs cars in NL
1:17:17 City business’ support for cycling
1:22:44 Cycling for people with disabilities
1:26:03 Final round of comments
1:27:02 Not only infrastructure…

All presentations as pdf

Omslagsfoto: Dutch Cycling Embassy